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Bebé recién nacido





  • In the comfort of your home, at your preferred time, and customized to your needs

  • Description: This 4-hour, hands-on session will help you gain better understanding of anatomy and physiology of birth to help diminish concerns around it. We will discuss the physiological process and how you can best work with your body to optimize the experience. You will be given tools on how to best cope during each stage of labor, including positioning and breathing techniques. After the class, you will feel more familiar about the laboring body, as well as about birth terminology and possible interventions. Finally, we will discuss tools for when birth takes expected turns, and how to keep an open communication with care providers, while maintaining a calm but active role in decision making. The class will be completed with a discussion of basic newborn care procedures, and the importance of skin to skin during the early hours and days.



  • In the comfort of your home, at your preferred time, and customized to your needs

  • Description: This 2.5- hour, hands- on session will help demystify questions surrounding breastfeeding, providing you with all the information and resources you need to meet your breastfeeding goals. Some of the topics include breastfeeding friendly labor and birth practices, latch and positioning techniques, hand expression, normal newborn feeding behaviors, managing engorgement, how to assess baby’s drinking and troubleshooting difficulties, and basic instruction on your specific electric breast pump.


placenta services


Placenta Pills are kind of magical for most people who take them #afterbirth. Placentas are full of: CRH, hPL, Oxytocin, ACTH, estrogenic and gestagenic active substances. As well as Iron and Protein. And while steaming and dehydrating can lower the concentrations of these things, processing minimizes potential contaminants.​



per hour

  • This 10-hour night support is geared to helping you navigate the first night at home with baby. It can include breastfeeding support, postpartum healing support, sleep arrangement suggestions, organizing baby care and mama care corners, and nourishing the new parents.

  • This service takes priority over any other postpartum session scheduled, and is available 7 days per week.

  • Should I be at a birth, arrangements will be made for a qualified back-up doula.

  • For home birth , this can be the second or third night after baby’s arrival (based on prior agreement).



  • These sessions are personalized to meet your specific needs for that day, and are likely to differ from session to session, with a big focus on ensuring that breastfeeding is enfolding in the best way possible. Beyond lactation, my goal is to nurture and to nourish you, facilitating rest, recovery and bonding with your baby, and growing your confidence in your intuition and your abilities, as you navigate through the early transition into parenthood. Some examples of my role may include navigating the early breastfeeding challenges, emotional and physical support, belly-binding, holding space for birth processing, newborn care education, baby wearing and sleeping education. 

  • Priced for a 1.5 hour session

  • My availability for lactation and postpartum support is Monday through Friday, 9AM to 3PM.

  • Should I be called in for a birth, the session will be rescheduled, or a back- up doula can be called in to cover the session (depending on availability).



  • $70/hr (I have a minimum of 5 hour shifts day and 8  hour shifts night)

  • These sessions are personalized to meet your specific needs for that day, and are likely to differ from session to session. Night support is focused on optimizing rest and recovery, all while providing lactation support, as you navigate through the early transition into parenthood. Some examples of my role may include navigating the early breastfeeding challenges, emotional and physical support, belly-binding, newborn care education, baby wearing and sleeping education. Priced for a 8 hour session

  • My availability for night support is Sunday through Thursday, 10 PM to 6 AM.

  • Should I be called in for a birth, the session will be rescheduled, or a back- up doula can be called in to cover the session (depending on availability).

We are
with you


 call +1 650 379 5883

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Berkeley, Bay Area. California.

Maternity with Lina. 2024. Design and  Development Visual Marketing.

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